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Beginners Instructional Videos
Short Bitesize Courses
These short bitesize courses are made up of individual drills from different instructors.
This is to give you a taste of each instructors individual style of teaching.
Once you've seen an instructor / instructors that you like, you can go and watch their full instructional video series.
Full instructional videos
The full instructional videos below are taught by World champions & world class trainers.
Each video series has an average of 15 individual videos. (some may have between 25 - 30 individual drills)

Strength & Conditioning
training program
5 phases designed specifically for martial arts
The videos below are:
Mobility, Stability & Movement
Mobility, Stability & Movement 2
Muscular Development
Maximal Strength
Power Development
Downloadable eBooks with Shadow, bagwork and focus mitt drills!
30 Boxing drills
30 Kickboxing drills
30 MMA drills
Fitness Content
Bodyweight Blast
8 weeks to the best shape of your life!
Program details
Program goal - to burn calories & blast fat with no equipment - well … using your BODY as your equipment!
Primarily geared to beginner & intermediate fitness levels .. however all fitness levels will enjoy this workout. - intensification & modifications are offered throughout.
Designed for clients with no equipment.
Designed for limited space - perfect for home or travel workouts
Program focuses on all training aspects, with each day a different focus - strength, endurance, power, agility, balance & mobility. With extra core & cardio core days for added fat blasting!
2 phases in this program - 1 month each. Blast & Double blast!
4 workouts a week through month one, then upping the challenge in the next month to 5 workouts a week with optional doubles.
Program Components
8 follow along workout videos. These are complete workouts, approximately 30 minutes each, with warm up and cool downs included.
7 Workout ‘summary’ videos that show the moves of the workout, in a much more condensed way.
8-week calendar (this is a suggested calendar and can be modified to your needs)
Tracking sheets - This program is all about progression!
These tracking sheets are provided for you to help you see your own progression.
Tabata Workout Series
There are 8 different Tabata workouts. Each of these workouts are roughly 30 minutes in duration
1: Lower Tabata 2: Upper Tabata 3: Cardio Tabata 4: Total Tabata
5: Lower Suped up Tabata! 6: Upper Suped up Tabata! 7: Cardio Suped up Tabata!
8: Total Suped up Tabata!
Program goal
To burn calories & blast fat with no equipment - well … using your BODY as your equipment
Program goal - To build muscle & burn fat!
Geared to all fitness levels - intensification & modifications are offered through the videos
Designed for clients with limited equipment - just a set of dumbbells are needed
Designed for limited space - perfect for home workouts
Program includes resistance training strength days and cardio HIIT days
4 workouts a week following a full body split … upper - lower - cardio core - full body
Includes 3 phases in the calendar … Basic Tabata - Suped-Up! Tabata - and optional Doubles
21 Day Booty Lift
Program details
Program goal - to sculpt & strengthen the booty - to improve aesthetic appearance and to help support the spine.
Program focuses mainly on the glutes, however we do work the full body as well. Glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, core, biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, back. We do touch on it all!
Primarily geared to intermediate fitness levels. Since this is a very targeted program, it is recommended that users have a fitness base before starting.
Designed for limited space - Perfect for home or travel workouts
Equipment is used in this program. Users are recommended to have mini - loop resistance bands, dumbbells and a foam roller.
This is a single phase program, following a 7 day a week schedule, repeated 3 times. There is a detailed calendar showing the recommended daily workout.
Program components
5 follow along workout videos. These are complete workouts, with warm up and cool downs included.
5 workout "summary" videos that show the moves of the workout, in a much more condensed way.
There is also a 21 day calendar with guidelines to work to.
9 Week Cross Train Challenge
Program details
The challenge is to get better, stronger, faster & fitter over the 3 blocks (9 weeks) of this program
Challenge yourself, A fit friend, or train together in a group.
This program is geared towards ADVANCED fitness levels. These are intense high impact workouts.
Designed for limited space - perfect for home workouts - but can be taken to the gym as well.
A set of dumbbells is the only fitness equipment required for this program. Light, medium & heavy. You will also need a timer. (A timer on your phone will be fine)
The fit principles we are training in this program are strength, endurance, speed & power - through cross training protocols such as AMRAP, AFAP, EMOM, Tabata, 21-15-9, 5x5x5 and more!
This is a 9 week schedule that covers a 3 week schedule, repeated 3 times.
There is a detailed calendar showing each days WOD (workout of the day), as well as tracking sheets to clearly see your progress of the challenge.
Program components
18 WOD videos - These videos give basic instructions on the protocol for the day, and show all the moves for the days workout.
Tracking sheets - This is the KEY component of the program that will help you to push yourself and your limits, and clearly show you your progression and results.
3 Week calendar - The WODS are designed to be done in a particular order. The calendar will help you to stay on track and encourage you to check off each day as you complete it for added motivation and accountability.
Xpress Fit
15 Minutes a day to a fitter you.
Program details
15 quick workouts for the whole body
The goal of this program is to cater for the people that only have a very limited time to workout, as this program is broken down into 15 separate, 15 minute workouts a day.
15 minutes a day to help improve your health (mental & physical) and overall fitness.
Did you know:
A 15 minute workout with just 1 minute at high intensity has the same benefits as 45 minutes of jogging.
15 minutes of strength training 3 times a week, is proven to increase resting metabolic rate. That means massive fat burning even at rest.
Exercise can lower your risk of certain diseases
We all know about exercise and endorphins. But did you know … Science says that just one hour of exercise per week (that’s less than 10 mins a day!) could prevent up to 12 percent of depression cases.
15 minutes is only 1% of our day. And it’s all your clients need to get incredible health and fitness results.
This program is geared to all fitness levels - from beginner to advanced. There are options of modifications and intensifications throughout the videos.
Designed for limited space - perfect for home or travel workouts - but can be taken to the gym as well.
A set of dumbbells is the only fitness equipment required for this program. It is also recommended (optional) to have a resistance band, loop resistance bands, and a step (or bench /stable chair).
This is a 4 week program, with 15 unique workouts over 2 phases - Xpress and Xtreme. All workouts through both phases are about 15-18 minutes each. There is also a DOUBLES calendar for those clients who want a bit more than 15 minutes. All workouts are listed out on a detailed calendar showing the workout of the day.
4 Yoga lessons
Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body.
It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.
There are 4 Yoga sessions which are:
Morning yoga flow
Afternoon yoga flow
Yoga for desk warriors
Yoga for a restful nights sleep
Stretching & Flexibility
A good stretching routine will help to reduce the risk of injury, help with ease of movement and aid in exercise and sports
We have 20 short individual explainer videos that demonstrate specific stretches for the whole body
30 Boxing drills
In this downloadable eBook, there are 30 boxing drills to get you started.
The drills in this eBook will give you the confidence to go into a gym and start hitting the heavy bag.
The drills in this eBook start from a beginner level and take you through to an intermediate level.
The drills include:
10 Shadow sparring drills
10 Bag drills
10 Focus mitt drills
Demonstrations of the Shadow Boxing drills in the eBook 30 Boxing drills
Demonstrations of the Bag Work Boxing drills in the eBook 30 Boxing drills
Owen King (World Champion)
Cameron Cotterill &
Molly Cooper (World Champion)
take you through the shadow boxing drills from the 30 Boxing drills eBook
Owen King (World Champion)
Cameron Cotterill &
Molly Cooper (World Champion)
take you through the Bag work boxing drills from the 30 Boxing drills eBook
Shadow boxing with 1 minute exercises
10 x 2 Rounds of Shadow Boxing with 1 minute exercise between rounds
Cameron Cotterill and Molly Coper (World Kickboxing Champion) take you through 10 x 2 minute rounds of the shadow boxing drills from the boxing eBook, with an optional 1 minute of exercise in-between rounds.
Bodyweight fitness drills for point fighting
In these training programs, 2 world kickboxing champions, Toli Kuschnir (Germany) and Francesca Ceci (Italy) take you through a range of bodyweight exercises that they used to help them dominate the world scene in kickboxing.
HIIT Workouts with Molly & Cameron
High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT training.
This type of training can be very demanding on the body and it is recommended that you have a good level of fitness before doing these workouts as they are shorter in duration but much more intense.
The benefits of HIIT training are:
Lower bodyfat
Lower resting heart rate
lower blood pressure
Improved strength
Improved stamina
Your body will continue to burn fat for hours after your workout has finished
plus many more benefits.
Strength & Conditioning
Five progressive Strength & Conditioning programs designed specifically for Martial Arts.
Sport 981 Phases 1 - 5 Functional fitness for martial arts
Strength and conditioning is a perfect way to improve your performance.
The type of strength & conditioning program you do will usually depend on your sport, although a good strength & conditioning training program can translate to major improvements in many different sports.
These types of programs are important for keeping your muscles and joints healthy throughout the year.
Muscle imbalances and joint weaknesses can lead to injuries, so strength and conditioning are great for injury prevention.
It’s much easier to prevent an injury than it is to recover from one.
Below we have a 5 phase Strength & Conditioning program designed for (but not limited to) Martial arts.
Start at phase 1 and work your way through all 5 phases to see and feel huge improvements in your performance.
There are worksheets for guidance, and to track your progress on all 5 phases of the strength & Conditioning programs
Physical activity module
In this Physical activity module, you have 10 information videos that explain everything you need to know to get the most out of your fitness / training routines.
These videos will help you to make an informed choice of which workout / workouts will be best for you depending on your goals.
The physical information videos are:
Physical Activity Introduction
Principles of building muscle
Strength Training
Physical Activity In Practice
Daily Physical Activity or NEAT
Creating an effective workout plan
Aerobic exercise
High intensity aerobic training
Exercise Nutrition
Mental change, Habits, Self monitoring
In this mental change, habits, self monitoring module, you have 4 information videos that can help you achieve a positive mindset.
Having a positive mindset can help you to achieve your goals..
The physical information videos are:
A winner mindset
Goal setting
Laboratory tests
Nutrition information videos
In this nutrition information section, you have 14 information videos that explain the benefits of the different energy sources, how they play an important role in our day to day lives, and how they can impact our performance.
These videos offer information on what our bodies need to function and perform at their best.
The information in these videos can help you to achieve your goals, whether it is weight loss, tone up, building lean muscle or to build more muscle.
Correct nutrition could be the most important thing that you need to consistently achieve your goals.
The nutrition information videos are:
Protein sources
Artificial sweeteners
Eating to lose weight
Meal timing
Meal preparation
Common problems
Eating outside
12 Nutrition Plans
These 12 Nutrition plans tell you what to eat for each meal to achieve your desired results. They also have an explanation of the plan, and how to work out you TDDE ( Total Daily Energy Expenditure) so that you know how many calories you need to consume to either maintain your weight, increase or decrease your weight depending on your goal of losing weight or building lean muscle.
These nutrition plans are taken from the 12 interactive gym programs.
If you are looking for even better results, why not try the nutrition plan alongside the full gym training program?
The name of the gym program is above the nutrition plan for your reference.
There is also a FREE gym program included in this membership.
Baseline Power program

Starting Strength program

Starting Lean Muscle Program

Starting Fat Loss Program

Lean Muscle Program

Final Fat Loss Program

Beginners Program B

Beginners Program A

Metabolic Conditioning Program

Advanced Strength Program
Advanced Power Program
Advanced Fat Loss Program

Body Transformation Plans
We have a selection of Body Transformation plans to choose from.
All of the Body Transformation plans below are tested plans with real results that have been specifically written for paying clients.
The plans cover the following things:
Diet & Cardiovascular plan
Diet plan to lose weight & build muscle
8 week body transformation plan
Full 16 week body transformation plan
The diet and amount of calories needed will depend on your age, weight and activity levels.
If you follow the table that comes with all of the nutrition plans, you can easily work out the amount of calories that you need to either maintain, decrease or increase your weight.
If you are still not getting the results that you are after, why not try one of the gym programs that come complete with a gym training routine, exercise demonstrations and a meal plan?
You can also create your own workout by using the hundreds of exercise demonstrations & explanations in the following sections
Healthy Recipes
It is important to fuel your body with the right foods so you stay healthy, and can perform to your full potential.
Would you want to spend weeks or even months working out, and not see any results?
Goals and results are what keep us motivated.
Nutrition can be the single biggest factor to getting the results that you have been training for.
Below you will find hundreds of healthy recipes that cater for all types of needs.
These include:
High Protein
Low Carb
Low Fat
Gluten Free
and more
Recipe packs
Low Carb Diet
A low-carb diet is a diet that restricts carbohydrates, such as those found in sugary foods, pasta and bread. It is high in protein, fat and healthy vegetables. There are many different types of low-carb diets, and studies show that they can cause weight loss and improve health.
Hight Protein Diet
A high-protein diet is a diet in which 20% or more of the total daily calories comes from protein. Most high protein diets are high in saturated fat and severely restrict intake of carbohydrates. Example foods in a high-protein diet include lean beef, chicken or poultry, pork, salmon and tuna, eggs, and soy.
Ketogenic diet
A keto diet is an eating plan that focuses on foods that provide a lot of healthful fats, adequate amounts of protein, and very few carbohydrates. Short for “ketogenic diet,” this eating plan is all about minimizing your carbs and upping your fats to get your body to use fat as a form of energy. After about two to seven days of following the keto diet, you go into something called ketosis, or the state your body enters when it does not have enough carbs for your cells to use for energy. That's when you start making ketones, or organic compounds that your body then uses in place of those missing carbs. At this point, your body also starts burning fat for more energy.
Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarians do not eat meat or any meat products, fish, or poultry and might not consume eggs and dairy products. Commonly reported reasons for consuming a vegetarian diet include cultural values, religious beliefs, ethical views, environmental concerns, and health considerations.
Vegan Diet
A vegan diet includes no animal products. Animal products can mean anything from meat (including fish), cheese, eggs, honey, and gelatine (a food ingredient obtained by boiling the skin, bones, or tendons of animals). If a food is made by or out of an animal, it’s not vegan.
A vegan diet is often accepted to be a healthy one and thought to help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes. Nevertheless, if you’re a full-time vegan it is worth taking the time to plan your meals and snacks – this way you will ensure your diet supplies all the nutrients you need to remain strong and healthy
Gluten Free
Gluten-free recipes can have the same nutritional value and same great taste as traditional recipes, so you shouldn’t hesitate to explore gluten-free foods. In some cases, gluten- free recipes can have added benefits, such as increased fibre and protein.
Paleo Diet
The Palaeolithic or “Paleo” diet seeks to address 21st century ills by revisiting the way humans ate during the Palaeolithic era more than 2 million years ago. Paleo proponents state that because our genetics and anatomy have changed very little since the Stone Age, we should eat foods available during that time to promote good health.
Low Fat Diet
A low-fat diet is an eating plan that is low in total fat, unhealthy fat, and cholesterol. You may need to follow a low-fat diet if you have trouble digesting or absorbing fat. You may also need to follow this diet if you have high cholesterol.
Mediterranean Recipes
A selection of healthy Mediterranean recipes for you to try
Immunity Support
Healthy foods to support your immune system
Below are a selection of different recipes
sign up with an annual membership and get All 12 gym programs listed below (worth £480) included in your membership.
Plus save an additional £60 a year!
Annual membership £300
Cancel anytime.
Interactive Gym Programs
The gym programs below are available in the members area.
All of the gym training programs come with a full explanation of the exercises, a clickable link to a demonstration of all the exercises including the warm up and main training section of the program.
Each Gym program comes with a nutrition section.
This takes the guesswork out of what and when you should be eating to get the results that you want.
All you have to do is follow the program to get the results that you are after.
Once you have completed one gym program, you can move on the the next.

Scroll down the page to read the description of each gym program
The NHS recommends to stay healthy, adults should take part in two types of physical activity each week, aerobic exercise and strength training.
Weight training carries many benefits that will lead to being healthier, stronger and leaner.
Below are five benefits of adding weight training into your training programme.
1) Improved Fat Loss
While lifting weights, you will build lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the quicker your metabolism will work. This means that weight training will speed up your metabolism, and burn more calories (even while resting), This will lead to a reduction in body fat and increased weight loss. For each pound of muscle you gain, you will burn 30 - 50 more calories each day
2) Reduce stress and improve your mood
Exercise releases endorphins which improve your mood, prevent pain, and help fight depression.
3) Gain strength without bulking
Women typically don’t gain size from strength training as they only have 10% of the testosterone that men have.
Women will typically develop muscle tone and definition without the increase in size.
4) Weight training can help to reduce the risk of injury as well as back pain and arthritis
Weight training not only strengthens muscles but also increases bone density. This reduces the risk of fractures and broken bones. It also builds stronger connective tissues and increases joint stability which, as a result, helps prevent injury.
Weight training can also help with correcting bad posture, building a strong back and core, and can also help prevent any lower back pain.
5) Improve your athletic performance
Weight training (or a strength & conditioning program) will help your performance by improving your power, speed, agility and endurance.
Your results will vary depending on what type of training program you choose.
Gym programs and descriptions

What is the Starting Fat Loss?
Fat Loss workouts use a combination of cardiovascular and resistance training exercises that promote high caloric expenditure during and after exercise.
Low intensity and high intensity aerobic exercise burn significant amounts of calories, the latter encouraging a post exercise metabolic spike, increasing fat burning for multiple hours after completing exercise.
Resistance training that is focused around multi-joint compound movements, supersets, and circuits, have many benefits for fat loss. These styles of resistance training help increase muscle mass and overall muscle tone, this in turn stimulates an increase in metabolic need during and post exercise.
A single resistance training workout can increase/speed up one's metabolism for 24-48 hours as the body works hard to recover and repair muscles. This type of training is perfect for your goal of losing bodyfat and getting into great shape.

What is the Beginners Program A?
Beginners Program A is designed to be an introduction to exercise routine. The workouts consist of foundational movement patterns formatted to progressively introduce different layers of difficulty to the beginner exerciser.
With a combination of multi-joint and single-joint movements, the Beginners Program is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to exercise or even for those who are just getting back into the swing of a consistent routine.
Variables such as sets, reps, intensity (weight), and rest are prescribed with a wide range of options to give the individual the option to increase or decrease volume and intensity accordingly. Users will experience general strength gains as well as a high potential for fat loss. Sprinkle in some cardiovascular exercise to establish an aerobic base and we've got the Beginners Program A!
This type of training is perfect for your goal of starting an exercise routine. You will start to feel and look better while losing up to 10 pounds over the next two months.

What is the Beginners Program B?
Beginners Program B is designed to be an introduction to exercise routine. This is a different workout routine than in the Beginners Program A, and a good follow on from that program.
The workouts consist of foundational movement patterns formatted to progressively introduce different layers of difficulty to the beginner exerciser.
With a combination of multi-joint and single-joint movements, the Beginners Program is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to exercise or even for those who are just getting back into the swing of a consistent routine.
Variables such as sets, reps, intensity (weight), and rest are prescribed with a wide range of options to give the individual the option to increase or decrease volume and intensity accordingly. Users will experience general strength gains as well as a high potential for fat loss. Sprinkle in some cardiovascular exercise to establish an aerobic base and we've got the Beginners Program B!
This type of training is perfect for your goal of starting an exercise routine. You will start to feel and look better while losing up to 10 pounds over the next two months.

What is the Starting strength program?
What is the Starting Strength Program?
This program is designed to aid users in improving overall strength. There are many specific modifications to acute variables such as sets, reps, and volume.
The Starting Strength Program and it's follow up companion, the Advanced Strength Program, both use strength training coupled with periodization to encourage growth in force production and muscle size.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of developing your overall strength and increasing your muscle size.
Get Started Now!

What is the Starting lean muscle program?
Building Lean Muscle can be challenging without proper guidance. Muscles need to be stimulated consistently and in a variety of ways to achieve lean muscle gains.
By using periodized programming methods, healthy eating, and consistent action, the Starting Lean Muscle Program enables users to achieve that tone and defined look they are seeking.
There is also the added benefit of increased strength and performance as a result of working through the Starting Lean Muscle Program. This type of training is perfect for your goal of building lean muscle, looking and feeling great!

What is the baseline power program?
What is Baseline Power?
The Baseline Power Program is designed to increase fast twitch muscle fibre size and number.
This is done by using exercises that stimulate the neuromuscular system in a way that encourages fast twitch muscle fibre stimulation.
With a variety of power, strength, and plyometric exercises, the Baseline Power Program is a great tool for learning some basic power movements and increasing ones ability to generate force quickly and efficiently.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of generating explosive power and speed.

What is the advanced strength program?
This program is designed to aid experienced lifters in significantly improving overall strength.
This is done by using specific modifications to acute variables such as sets, reps, and volume.
The Advanced Strength Program uses traditional strength training coupled with periodization to encourage growth in muscle size and force production.
Weeks 1 and 2 are focused more on Hypertrophy, weeks 3 and 4 are deeply rooted in strength.
Hypertrophy training is needed to help improve strength as it specifically promotes muscle growth.
This growth leads to increases for producing potential by an increased size and number of muscle fibres available for contraction.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of increasing your strength and building more lean muscle.

What is the metabolic conditioning program?
Metabolic conditioning workouts use exercises that burn lots of calories during your workout and keep the body burning calories after your workout ends.
They usually involve the entire body, short periods of rest and are designed to push the limits of your body to build strength and endurance while getting toned.
Metabolic conditioning typically includes strength exercises intermixed with high intensity interval circuits.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of increasing your body's metabolic rate, and burning more calories even after you have finished your workout.

What is the advanced fat loss program?
The Advanced Fat Loss Program is a continuation of our Starting Fat Loss Program.
It uses training variables that are tailored to maximizing caloric expenditure during and after exercise.
The foundation of the Advanced Fat Loss Program lies within compound movements, supersets and circuits, and cardiovascular exercise.
The goal is to get more bang for your buck when at the gym, we want to do the things that are going to work the most muscle groups in the shortest amount of time and keep our bodies working hard for hours and days after we leave the gym.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of decreasing your body fat and improving your muscle definition.

What is the lean muscle program?
Building Lean Muscle can be challenging without proper guidance.
Muscles need to be stimulated consistently and in a variety of ways to achieve lean muscle gains.
By using periodized programming methods, healthy eating, and consistent action, the Lean Muscle Program enables users to achieve that toned, defined look they are seeking.
Increasing muscle and decreasing fat will also speed up ones metabolism which results in more calories burned throughout the day. There is also the added benefit of increased strength and performance as a result of working through the Lean Muscle Program.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of building lean muscle, and gaining that defined look that you are working towards.

What is the final fat loss program?
The Final Fat Loss Program is a continuation of our Advanced Fat Loss Program.
It uses training variables that are tailored to maximizing caloric expenditure during and after exercise.
The foundation of the Final Fat Loss Program lies within compound movements, supersets and circuits, and cardiovascular exercise.
The goal is to get more bang for your buck when at the gym, we want to do the things that are going to work the most muscle groups in the shortest amount of time and keep our bodies working hard for hours and days after we leave the gym.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of decreasing your body fat and taking your muscle definition to the next level.

What is the advanced power program?
The Advanced Power Program is designed to increase fast twitch muscle fibre size and number.
This is done by using exercises that stimulate the neuromuscular system in a way that encourages fast twitch muscle fibre stimulation.
With a variety of power, strength, and plyometric exercises, the Advanced Power Program is a great tool for mastering technical power movements and increasing ones ability to generate force quickly and efficiently.
This type of training is perfect for your goal of decreasing your body fat to 10% and toning up your arms and legs.